Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.nat Manuela Stadlober-Temmer

Manuela Temmer is since 2016 Associate Professor and head of the Heliospheric Research Group (swe.uni-graz.at) at UNI Graz. After finishing her PhD studies in 2004 at UNI Graz, several self-funded research projects (FWF Erwin Schrödinger and Elise Richter fellowship, ÖAW APART scholarship) supported her post-doc stays at the Hvar Observatory of the University of Zagreb (Croatia), the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory in Palo Alto (USA). In 2019 she was shortlisted for the “Stanford University Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair Professorship”. In 2024 she was nominated for the position of Director of the Department of Solar and Heliospheric Research at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen.
Curriculum vitae
Scientific Community Services
- International Space Weather Action Team
- EGU Science Officer of ST-Division
- Heliophysics in Europe
- National contact Point of ISES/RWC Austria
- Austrian representative to SCOSTEP
- COSPAR PSW representative of University of Graz
- Contact for the e-CALLISTO Station AUSTRIA-UNIGRAZ
- Referee for international journals
- Member of SOCs at various international conferences (COSPAR, ILWS, VarSITI/SCOSTEP, CSPM)
Refereed Journals (NASA ADS)
Open Access Publications (arxiv.org)
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